Hello lovelies! Just wanted to do a quick post before Pretty Little Liars (I cannot believe next week is the season finale!) I have Tuesdays off but it's crazy how fast the day goes by when your home all day, I slept in till 11, had my latte and breakfast in bed while I caught up on some YouTube videos, put together a PowerPoint for a presentation tomorrow on MAC Cosmetics, worked out, showered, vacuumed, studied, ate dinner and now finally writing this! I'd say it was a productive day. Just wanted to share with you all a little beauty secret that I use almost everyday! If you're like me and suffer from dry skin expecially in the winter, you know how glorious body scrubs are but how dependent out skin is on them, you just feel the difference when you don't use them, but it does put a little dent in your wallet constantly replacing them! So I tried out my own little concoction and I would never go buy another one again! It is seriously so easy, and takes not even 2 minutes.
My Beauty Secret | 2 Minute DIY Body Scrub
All you need is olive oil and plain white sugar! You can play around with it a bit with different oils, I used to use grape seed oil but I found that olive oil was so much more moisturizing, you could even try coconut oil or granulated sugar for a harsher exfoliated. Since I'm basically using this everyday I didn't want too harsh of an exfoliant because over exfoliating is not good for your skin! What you do is you put some sugar in a bowl, the amount is up to you, I like to use a lot so I can have a bowl sitting in my shower for a coulple day, and then pour in your oil slowly for your desired texture, and then mix with a spoon!
I usually have my consistency like this, you don't want it to liquidy or not enough! And that's seriously it! Then when your in the shower, this is the last thing I do. After I put my conditioner in I turn off the water, and rub this all over my body, you really want to rub it in nicely but not harshly!! And then rinse with warm water and you just feel the oil leaving a thin layer on your skin, that's what you want. Then you get out and moisturize and you skin feels absolutely glorious oh my goodness! I've seen some recipes for a bit more fancy ones, but seriously this is all you need, some people use scents and stuff but I put on my scented lotion after, I'm just fine with that! This is such a life saver and I can't have a shower without using it, my wallet doesn't seem to mind either.
Let me know if you try it and what you think!
Till next time,
I'm Tashionably Yours XO
This entry was posted on Tuesday, 11 March 2014 and is filed under beauty,DIY. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.